Anxiety · Balance · lifestyle

Anxiety Creeping In

Good morning friends!

How was everyone’s weekend? My husband had to work, so I was actually super productive. Currently I’m in two graduate classes, and I’m working ahead for one of them just to get it out of the way. Once that class is done I will finally be done with my first master’s degree. Woot Woot!

It could be because of the grad classes, or the fact that I feel this summer is absolutely flying by, but my anxiety has been particularly bad these last two weeks. I find myself getting worked up easier than normal over things that aren’t a big deal. Randomly my heart will start beating fast, and I’ve had a few restless nights.

I feel as though I can’t complain. I’m a teacher on summer break! Normal people do not get two months off every year to enjoy the weather. However, I also feel as though I need to get my anxiety under control to enjoy this summer break instead of fretting the inevitable start of a new school year.

I’m trying to make a concerted effort to stay present when doing things that make me happy.  For example, my favorite part of every day is post workout, sitting down to a delicious breakfast and a hot cup of coffee. When I go for a walk around the neighborhood, I try to look around more and take it all in.  When I take my time at the grocery store just looking up and down the aisles. When I pour myself a cup of tea at the end of the night. All these small moments are so simple, but so precious at the same time.  I am trying to pause, acknowledge this time, and show gratitude.

I definitely don’t want to worry the rest of summer away. I’m a working progress just like everyone else, so I’m going to do my best to stay present and mindful.  It’s all going to be ok. And when in doubt, there’s always chocolate 🙂

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